Course Details
Basic to Advanced Communication
If you have a hard time communicating and a hard time in listening, this is the course for you. You will be able to answer questions in proper tenses. You will learn how to pronounce the words carefully and be an effective communicator.
(1 Reviews)
Gilton Solis
25 sessions
Session plan
50 minutes/session
Session 1: Communication
Session 2: Communication
Session 3: Communication
Session 4: Communication
Session 5: Communication
Session 6: Communication
Session 7: Communication
Session 8: Communication
Session 9: Communication
Session 10: Communication
Session 11: Communication
Session 12: Communication
Session 13: Communication
Session 14: Communication
Session 15: Communication
Session 16: Communication
Session 17: Communication
Session 18: Communication
Session 19: Communication
Session 20: Communication
Session 21: Communication
Session 22: Communication
Session 23: Communication
Session 24: Communication
Session 25: Communication
session-plan-icon Session detail:

If you have a hard time communicating and a hard time in listening, this is the course for you. You will be able to answer questions in proper tenses. You will learn how to pronounce the words carefully and be an effective communicator.
Why take this course?
Because you need it in order to pass interviews and land a job.
What will you be able to do?
Gain confidence in your answers. You will be able to distinguish the tenses of questions in order to answer them properly. More vocabulary for communication.
Who is this course suitable for?
This course is suitable for everyone who has to go out of the house and talk to people at school and work. Also suitable for people taking the IELTS test.